Monday 16 February 2015

Dead or Alive

Heart Softness

Most of us proudly says that their " Hearts are made up of STONE, They are STONED HEART, Etc. " They instead feel PROUD saying this all.
They never think of God's (ALLAH) reason of creating the heart soft. There wasn't any difficulty for him,  who made the whole body full of bones, to create the bones in heart too. But he didn't. There might be one of the reason that he doesn't like hardness of heart.
Because, when there is hardness in heart it does not create HEART BEAT, when there is no heart beat, there is no LIFE, when there is no life a person becomes DEAD, and when we have died we become the food of insects and other creatures.
So, if we are STONED HEART and we are not alive, why do we complain to God (ALLAH), when the "alive" insects of world eat our "ALIVE DEAD BODIES" 

By: Mahwish Sultana

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